Sunday, March 22, 2009

...the basic necessities of life.

I have a sense that human beings can become real nice people. That get along with each other. Tolerate each other. Even when there are marked differences. In other words, we have rather flexible essences. Not pre-determined. We can make ourselves into rather peace-loving and happy beings. Sometimes, we assume that humans are humans. And that we have inclinations one way or another that we are compelled to follow. That we can't be anything else. I don't buy that. I think our concepts of right and wrong are changing. Evolving. For instance, our concept of the common good. Maybe it's becoming less of every one for himself mentality. More for the common good. Could be that we're about to change our social system. To make less of a gap between the rich and the poor. Maybe we are going to become more socialist-oriented. Creating societies in which we still have great amounts of individual freedom, but also an obligation and responsibility to serve the common good. Seeing to it that everyone has the basic necessities of life. --Jim Broede

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