Thursday, March 5, 2009

Finally, an awakening.

The conservatives call it class warfare. Taxing the rich. More and more. To pay for projects that serve the common good. Such as universal health care. Well, if that's warfare, let's have war. That's the kind of war I like. Making the rich pay more. That'll narrow the gap between the rich and the poor. Fact of the matter is that we've had class division since the founding of our nation. We've been divided into the haves and the have-nots. The people with money have been the dominant force. The rulers. They've called the shots. But times are changing. Finally. Time for the lower and middle classes to take charge. To be the dominant class. Yes, it's time for the Robin Hood generation. Taking from the rich for the benefit of the poor. Yes, let's have the millionaires and the billionaires pay their fair share. They can afford it. And still stay reasonably affluent. They'll still have more than the rest of us. But less than what they used to have. And we'll have a better society. Less class division. Funny thing. Turns out that the greedy really did themselves in. They never had enough. So they divised schemes to rake in more and more and more. Only to discover that they became cheaters. Built their wealth, in part, on illusions. Fooled themselves. And now everything is going kaput. The whole economy is a shambles. But something good is coming of it. The underclasses are finally recognizing that they've been exploited. And they're saying, "We're mad as hell. And we aren't gonna take it anymore." --Jim Broede

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