Wednesday, March 4, 2009

One common trait.

My kind of people are the ones who find ways to be reasonably happy. Even in the toughest of times. They may be overwhelmed by bad events in their lives. But still, they find ways to salvage something. A little respite. A glimmer of peace and contentment. Often, it's merely taking time out to love. Something or somebody. I've seen Alzheimer care-givers. Even some committed to 24/7 care-giving. Who some how manage to be relatively happy. Many aren't. But the few that are -- well, they set shining examples. I've also seen people living in poverty. Who still manage. And in some cases seem happier than some rich people I know. Amazing. They're an inspiration. And I've known some severely handicapped people. Unable to walk and move about. But still, they are happier than some talented athleles that I know. Amazing. As for the happy people, they all seem to have one common trait. They're in love. --Jim Broede

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