Sunday, March 29, 2009

I'm happy being alive. Today.

Much of living, I guess, is spent in denial. Denial of death. We’re all gonna die. Sooner or later. That’s the human condition. All living things die. But to be happy, maybe we pretend we aren’t gonna die. That there’s life after death. Or if there isn’t – well, we try not to think about it. We go into denial. Or maybe even into depression. Or we get choosey. We want to pick the way we die. We don’t want to die of Alzheimer’s. Not a very pretty way to go. Dying bit by bit. Losing our mind. Or we don’t want to die a painful death. Or die young. We’d rather die in our sleep after reaching old age. I’ve been reading a book. Titled “Denial of Death.” By Ernest Becker. A guy that died at age 50. Rather young, isn’t it? Becker was a psychoanalyst. He talks about reality. And the ways we choose our own reality. Often a reality that helps us forget that we’re gonna die. Because an obsession with death is bound to make us unhappy. Anyway, I’m learning to live a day at a time. Not think too far ahead. Just savor today. Life. That sure beats thinking too far ahead. When I’ll be dead. I’m happy being alive. Today. –Jim Broede

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