Monday, March 16, 2009 the game of life.

Bernard Madoff is in jail. And he'll probably spend the rest of his life there. After bilking investors of $50 billion in a Ponzi scheme. Madoff seems contrite. Ready and willing to live the rest of his life in prison. After all, he's had the good life. Living in luxury. As a rich man. He could afford everything. Even a yacht. Chances are, Madoff knew in the end he might be caught. And all the luxury living would come to an end. But at least, he can tell himself in his prison cell that he had the good life for a long, long time. Maybe the memories of all this will bring him solace. And if there's no god and no afterlife and no punishment in hell, maybe Madoff thinks he finished far ahead in the game of life. --Jim Broede

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