Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sure beats lamenting.

I'm intrigued by what makes some people happy, and others not. There's something odd about happiness. I see people who really shouldn't be happy. Because of circumstances. Yet, they are happy. And then I see people who should be happy. And they're unhappy. Seems to be no rhyme or reason. But I'm sure there is. Maybe, as some doctors say, it's merely a chemical imbalance. Happy people have the right balance. Unhappy people, the wrong balance. But I'm a layman. No doctor. No expert. But that doesn't stop me from thinking there's far more to it. Has something to do with the way we look at life. Our perceptions. The interpretation we give to events around us. I used to get upset over happenings in the world. Happenings over which I have no control. But gradually, I learned not to lose a whole lot of sleep over so many annoying things. Such as the antics of George Bush. I let it slide. Assuming that given time, the situation would change for the better. Sure enough, it did. The same goes for the economy. It ain't good now. But I keep telling myself, things will get better. And I might as well get on with life the best I can. I even became a relatively happy Alzheimer care-giver. By learning to accept what I can't change. Sure beats lamenting. --Jim Broede

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