Friday, April 17, 2009

...funny without even knowing it.

When a guy is opinionated, he's likely to ruffle feathers. Makes people downright annoyed. Yes, even angry. But think about it. It's not the opionionated guy that triggers the anger. It's really the person who becomes angry. Everybody has a choice. In my younger days, I used to become somewhat annoyed or angry. I don't do that any more. I see the funny side of opinionated people. Therefore, no annoyance, no anger on my part. Besides, I'm opinionated. So I try to be tolerant of opinionated people. We have something in common. We're both rather brash. I can listen to a pundit such as Rush Limberger, for instance, and have a rollicking good time. I laugh heartily. He's entertaining. Stupid, too. But entertaining. Stupid people are very funny. Especially stupid conservatives. Oh, there are smart, intelligent conservatives, too. But the stupid ones -- well, they often are funny without even knowing it. --Jim Broede

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