Friday, April 17, 2009

This woman needs help.

Believe me, this blog attracts all kinds. For instance, I have this anonymous woman who keeps writing to me. She tells me in writing that she thinks I’m a demon who needs psychiatric help. And she wants me to allow her to make her case in the comments section. Yes, in my own blog. She’s never met me, as far as I know. And here she wants to get very personal and denigrate my character. She must be nuts. After all, a normal person, it seems to me, would just write me off. Forget me. And get on with her life. Her motive must be to publicly expose me as a demon. Or to get me fixed. Make me a better person. You’d think she would have better things to do. Such as getting psychiatric help herself. Rather than pursuing this unhealthy obsession with me. Of course, if she wants to identify herself, she can have her say. Right here. Then it may be possible to get her help. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

I like it that there are all kinds of people in the world. No two are alike, it seems to me. So everybody I encounter is unique. Different. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Of course, I think I'm different, too. Unique. One of a kind. And I like being me. Does that make me egocentric? Could be. But nothing wrong with that. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I think this anonymous woman who keeps writing to me sees me as a Machiavellian. And she's attracted to me for that reason. I really do have some, if not all, of the traits of Machiavelli. I'm reading a book, "What Would Machiavelli Do?" And the author, Stanley Bing, has a sly sense of humor. Here's examples of what he thinks Machiavelli would do from a business, political and social standpoint:

*He would exploit himself only slightly less than he exploits others.

*He would be unpredictable and thus gain the advantage.

*He would be in love with his destiny.

*He would always be at war.

*He would cultivate a few well-loved enemies.

*He would have a couple of good friends, too.

*He would acquire his neighbor.

*He would think BIG.

*He would move forward like a great shark, eating as he goes.

*He would kill people, but only if he could feel good about himself afterward.

*He would fire his own mother, if necessary.

*He would make a virtue out of his own obnoxiousness.

*He would be way upbeat!

*He would be satisfied with nobody but himself.

*He would treat himself right.

*He would embrace his own madness.

*He would do what he feels like doing, you idiot.

*He would say what he felt like saying.

*He would delegate all the crummy tasks, except the ones he enjoys.

*He wouldn't exactly seek the company of ass-kissers and bimbos, but he wouldn't reject them out of hand, either.

*He would respond poorly to criticism.

*He would carry a grudge until the extinction of the cockroach.

*He would lie when it was necessary.

*He would be proud of his cruelty and see it as strength.

*He would kick ass and take names.

*He would permanently cripple those who disappoint him.

*He would torture people until they were only too happy to destroy themselves.

*He would feast on other people's discord.

*He would make you fear for your life.

*He would be loyal to the people who could put up with all this.

*He would have no patience for anybody.

*He would screw with people's weekends, wedding plans, open-heart surgery...

*He would put it in your face.

*He would realize that loving yourself means never having to say you're sorry.

*He would have no conscience to speak of.

*He would scream at people a lot.

*He would establish and maintain a psychotic level of control.

*He would follow the money, honey.

*He wouldn't be afraid to sling bullshit.

*He would eat to kill.

*He would never retire.

*He would have fun.

Of course, Machiavelli wasn't all this bad. He was a smart and perceptive guy. But I think we all have at least a handful of these so-called Machiavellian traits. At least 5 or 6 of 'em certainly fit me, I admit. Anyway, little wonder that life is interesting and entertaining. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

In case you're wondering. I like to have fun. I occasionally sling bullshit. I wouldn't exactly seek the company of ass-kissers and bimbos, but I wouldn't reject them out of hand, either. I tend to say what I feel like saying. I embrace my own madness. I'm upbeat. And I treat myself right. Maybe that makes me a good kind of Machiavellian. --Jim