Thursday, April 2, 2009

Makes me happy...and blessed.

We have a master of politics. In Barack Obama. In large part because of an unusual confluence. Obama had a white mother. And a black father. And he spent time growing up in a Muslim country. That's a remarkable blend. I suspect it helped Obama become a good communicator. To see life from highly varied perspectives. It goes to show how diversity is a good thing. Makes for a well-balanced individual. Also, Obama seems to have just the right blend of genes. A superior brain. A keen mind. I like to think all this is happening because -- well, maybe it's by the hand of the creator of the universe. It's meant to be. A blessing. I'm that sort. A romantic idealist. I believe in destiny. In a guiding hand. In transcendence. I'm a lover, too. Primarily a lover of life. But that's what permeates my soul. Love. Oh, there's no better feeling than to be in love. Makes life worthwhile. Makes me happy...and blessed. --Jim Broede

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