Thursday, April 9, 2009

Now it's Barack Obama, superman.

Let's hope that Barack Obama is superman. Some political observers think he's trying to do too much. To accomplish far too many things during his first year in office. But I suspect Obama sees a big picture. That America is in a mess. A big mess. And it's gonna take a major overhaul to get us out of the morass created by the Bush administration and the conservative Republicans. The GOP doesn't have a clue. The conservatives are still living in the 20th century, and they're descending so fast they could bottom out somewhere in the 19th century. Time has passed 'em by. Thank gawd, they're an ever-shrinking minority. A bunch of obstructionists. Fortunately, in the toughest of times in America, we have a tradition of an outstanding president coming to the fore. Yes, Abraham Lincoln came to the rescue. And then it was FDR. Now it's superman. Barack Obama. --Jim Broede

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