Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oh, so laughable.

Must be difficult for Barack Obama. Having to deal with a war he's never supported. But now that he's president, he has to support to some degree. Until we get our troops out. Obama sneaked into Baghdad today. For a few hours. In part, to show support for the troops. And to award 10 medals for valor. Obama has inherited a war and a sagging economy. Very difficult challenges. Most Americans are pulling for him to succeed. To get us out of these messes. But we Americans are made up of all kinds. Some who actually want Obama to fail. Because they think he's a socialist. Fact of the matter, there's something good about socialism. Such as social security. One of the nicest, most meaningful programs ever adopted by our government. And next we may be blessed with socialized medicine. Yes, finally the common good will be served. Not just the rich elite. Of course, this is time for the rich to wring their hands. To lament. To decry the socialist peril. Oh, so laughable. --Jim Broede

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