Sunday, April 5, 2009

'Take your time.'

I keep telling myself, slow down. Especially when I have lots to do. No reason to hurry through life. Oh, I spent so much time living fast. Meeting deadlines. Being in a hurry. That's why, if I had to start life over, I'd never go into newspaper writing. Especially covering breaking news. It was go, go, go. Life wasn't meant to be lived fast. It's supposed to be slow and leisurely. Savored. Hurrying through life is no way to savor it. I don't want to speed down a road. I'd rather go slow. Take in the scenery. And making love. It's a sin to make fast love. A gawd-awful sin. The worst kind of sin. Love should be slow. Dragged out. Into eternity. It should be an unending endeavor. Pleasure was meant to last. Not to be over within a few minutes. When I take my good-natured time, I can ask myself, 'Am I doing this right? Can I do this better?' If I have time. I can avoid failure. Avoid mistakes. Because I can say I am feeling my way. I am in the process of learning. Discovering. When we hurry, we tend also to put pressure on others to hurry. Not nice. Instead, we should keep repeating to ourselves, 'Take your time. Take your time. Take your time.' --Jim Broede

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