Sunday, April 5, 2009

What a difference.

Barack Obama's popularity is sweeping across Europe. From Great Britain to France to Germany. Very nice, indeed. When Obama showed up at 10 Downing Street in London, for a visit with prime minister Gordon Brown, he shook the hand of the bobby (policeman) on duty at the entrance. And looked him in the eye. Visitors don't customarily do that. But with Obama, there's no class divide. He mixes with everyone. So does the first lady, Michele Obama. She went to a girls school in London, and mixed with the thrilled girls, many of 'em black minorities. And she gave a stirring, heartfelt speech. My oh my, what a difference a change in the presidency has wrought. No more George Bush. No more arrogance. Europeans are liking us again. Almost feels like Obama could be elected president of Europe. --Jim Broede

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