Tuesday, May 26, 2009

...about the wonders of love.

When it comes to yard work and household chores, I never get done. But that's all right. It doesn't bother me. Because I recognize that I could work 24 hours a day forever, and there'd still be something left to do. That's what living is all about. I coud live to be 1,000 years old, and I wouldn't accomplish everything I want to accomplish. For that matter, I could live forever, and still have things to do on my list. Essentially, it means that I'm able to pick and choose from an array of activities. Life is full of boundless opportunities. And fun things to do. But best of all is being in love. And being a romantic idealist. I find so many, many ways to express and live my love. I come up with new ways all the time. Even when I do yard work and household chores, I'm thinking. About the wonders of love. Makes whatever I'm doing more enjoyable. --Jim Broede

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