Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ah, the mighty do fall.

I'm encouraged by a poll I saw the other day. Only 22 percent of Americans consider themselves to be Republicans. Used to be a lot more than that. Thank gawd, Republicans are on the decline. Maybe they will become an endangered species some day. Even extinct. Which means Earth would be a far better place. I assume many of the remaining Republicans are devotees of Dick Cheney and Rush Limberger (aka Limbaugh). They seem to represent the GOP these days. Little wonder that Republicans are leaving in droves. They're scared by what they see and hear, yes. But they obviously are exhibiting signs of intelligence and common sense. By fleeing. Many have become independents, or even Democrats. Or they've become apolitical. And to think, it wasn't that long ago that Republicans thought they had become a permanent majority party. Ah, the mighty do fall. Especially when they become smug and arrogant. --Jim Broede

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