Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bush fertilized the soil, thank god.

If you're a Scotsman, you probably like Barack Obama. He gets rave reviews in Scotland, where I just visited. I didn't even have to ask. The Scots go out of their way to tell me they like Obama. And what he stands for. If we had a world government, I suspect Obama could be elected president. Yes, of the entire world. For a change, we Americans did ourselves right. We elected a good man. Intelligent. Articulate. A man capable of going far beyond the usual politic. Able to capture the imagination of a large segment of the world's population. And to think, he comes on the heels of the worst president we've ever had. It fortifies my belief that often from bad springs good. Maybe Bush fertilized the soil with his abundance of crap. And it gave roots to an Obama. Oh, thank you, kind and merciful and loving god. --Jim Broede

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