Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Her company screws people.

Maybe there's nothing I like more than being able to express my opinion. About almost anything. That's why I write. It's a good relief valve. I know that my opinions alienate some people. They think I should shut up. Apparently, because I offend them. A lady that works for a credit card company objected when I used the word "screwed." I said I thought her company screwed its customers by raising interest rates willy-nilly. She said if I persisted in using such language she'd hang up. Because it wasn't a proper word to use in the presence of a lady. Well, she hung up. I could have used a milder word. But I thought "screwed" was the most effective. The lady got the jist of what I had to say. And that's what counts. She really couldn't counter what I had to say. So she had to object to the use of a single word. She fully knew that her company routinely screws people. No matter what it's called. And by the way, the word 'screw' and the definition I meant is in my Webster's dictionary. --Jim Broede

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