Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pure love vs. watered-down love.

I'm a student of love. I'm trying to major in love, in a sense. And I think there's a oneness to love. I have to love one other. We're told to love humanity. Everyone. Even our enemies. But I find all this impossible. I think god wants us to love one other. Totally. Completely. And if we can do that, we become whole. We actually experience love then. We then know what love means. It's an achievable goal. If we try to love everyone, our efforts are diffused. Spread far too thin. We are then trying to achieve something that's impossible for the human species. Absolutely impossible. But if we narrow our scope to loving one other -- well, that's achieveable. Yes, we have to think small. Rather than big. But still, when one thinks of it, that small achievement is huge. We have to find someone we can love unconditionally. Because that's the only form of pure love. Anything less than pure is not real love. It's a watered-down love. --Jim Broede

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