Friday, May 15, 2009

Money -- the root of all evil.

I'm appalled by the greed and utter ruthlessness of big business. Corporations. Exploitation for the sole purpose of obscene monetary profit. So much of commercial business isn't in business for the sake of serving society and mankind. But rather to screw just about everyone. That's the way I see it. Of course, I may be wrong. Maybe I have a warped perception of what's going on. A weird notion of good and evil. And what I see as evil is really good. Many American capitalists will tell you that. I'll readily admit there are exceptions to the rule. But for the most part, I don't trust the private entrepeneur, especially the big ones. Such as the oil companies, the banking and lending institutions, the Wall Street crowd. These capitalists are out to pad their pockets. To become filthy rich. To widen the gap between the rich and the poor. To exploit. That's why I'm a fan of government. Especially the federal government. And maybe even world government. Because if government is run properly, it becomes the protector of the masses, of the common good, of the have-nots. Good government counters selfish capitalism with, yes, what's perceived by big business as evil. Socialism. But socialism, when run properly, is good because it puts restraints and regulations on greed. Unfortunately, big business often infiltrates government. Takes over government. Runs government. Bribes our elected officials. Big business has the money and the power and the wherewithal to corrupt just about everyone. It's so easy to bend to the temptation and persuasion of money. Yes, greed. There's something to the adage that money is the root of all evil. --Jim Broede

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