Monday, May 25, 2009

I will have learned to laugh.

I try to not get upset. Over almost anything. After all, what good does it do? Let's say that if I'm on the verge of getting upset. Well, then I stop and ask myself, 'What can I do about it?' Maybe nothing. But often, something. I deal with it. The best I can. But if I'm upset and stay upset -- well, that makes me uncomfortable. And I don't want to be uncomfortable. Take the current losing streak of my favorite baseball team, the Chicago Cubs. It's at eight, and counting. On a just concluded road trip, the Cubs lost all six of their games, and scored only 5 runs in the process. Yes, an average of less than a run per game. Well, the Cubs returned home tonight and broke out of their hitting slump. Scoring 8 runs. Only thing is, Pittsburgh scored 10 runs. So the loveable losers lost again. I'm beginning to wonder if the Cubs will ever win another game. Really, I'm pulling for the Cubs to have a fantastic losing streak. Maybe like 20 or 25 games. Just for the heck of it. To set the all-time record for consecutive losses. That would be funny. And it'd keep me from getting upset. Because I will have learned to laugh over such an outlandish plight. --Jim Broede

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