Sunday, May 24, 2009

Clock chimed 10. Life's wonderful.

So many things I can do. Today. Every day. I'd feel overwhelmed if I made a list. Of things to get accomplished. So I don't. I'm gonna just coast through the day. Drift. Maybe some yard work. Walking, of course. Writing. Like now. I like to write. Makes me think. Because I've got to put something down. I'll write a love letter or two, too. But later. In the evening. I like to save the best for last. Like when I ate cake as a youngster. Saved the frosting for last. Now I eat it all at the same time. The cake blended with the frosting. Maybe my favorite pastime is thinking. I think when I'm walking. Or gardening. Or driving around. Even when I'm falling asleep. I'm thinking. Right up to the moment I drift into unconsciousness. But then I may start to dream. Which causes me to think in my sleep. And even more so when I wake. Because I often think long and hard about my dreams. I day dream, too. Fantastic stuff. The imagination is a wonderful thing. Gives more meaning to life. Anyway, it's a pleasant day. The cats are sitting by the open door. Looking out to the lake. The birds are chirping. A squirrel scampered across the railing on the deck. The sun is shining. The air is still. The clock chimed 10. Life's wonderful. --Jim Broede

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