Friday, June 12, 2009

An American nightmare.

I'm fearful. To a degree. That we have a society peppered by lunatics. The guy that shot the abortion doctor. The white supremacist that opened fire at the Holocaust Museum. Rush Limbaugh. Bill O'Reilly. Maybe even Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich. They feed upon each other. They seem to think America is going awry. Because they imagine that we're being taken over by leftists. Socialists. A black president. A Muslim sympathizer, if not a secret Muslim himself. And they spew hate. Mostly, verbal hate harangues. But some of the loonies are starting to go on killing sprees. Aimed at the perceived hated and despised enemy. Maybe a little reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Maybe many of them are lone wolves. They snap. And do gawd awful things. But surveys indicate that there are almost 1,000 hate-mongering organizations formed by and of elements on the extreme right wing. Too many of 'em are even elected officials. That's the scariest part. Yes, a little like it was in Nazi Germany. They are race-baiters. White supremists seeing their power on the wane. And they are becoming desperate. Scary thought, isn't it? An American nightmare. --Jim Broede

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