Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm amazed I got this far.

When I was in my 20s, 30s and 40s, it was hard for me to imagine ever being 73. And if I did make it that far, I thought maybe it would be a fearful time. Knowing that time was running out. At least when I was younger, I assumed the odds were with me. I'd survive indefinitely. And no reason to worry about it. And I had time to waste. Well, now that I've arrived in my 70s, I'm not as worried as I thought I'd be. And I appreciate each day far more now than when I was younger. Maybe that's the advantage of growing old, so to speak. I've also had time to better understand the concept of love. And that gives more meaning to life. Once upon a time, I couldn't imagine writing a love letter or two every night. I would have perceived it as a waste of time. Mush. Now here I am, pleasantly preoccupied with loving thoughts. And I'm living happily. One day at a time. Savoring so many moments. Sure, I know that the odds of living for a long time yet, are diminished. Only so many make it into their 80s. And fewer into their 90s. And it's an oddity, a rarity to reach 100. But hey, I've got today. And good prospects for tomorrow and next week and next month. And maybe even for a few more years. Guess that's good enough for me. I'm amazed I got this far. --Jim Broede

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