Friday, June 5, 2009

Let's learn to be reasonable.

By golly, Barack Obama sounds like a reasonable man. I listened to much of his speech yesterday at Cairo University. And I thought to myself, 'Our president is saying much of what needs to be said. To paraphrase, he's saying the world is in trouble because we have extremist on all sides. In the Middle East. In America. Everywhere.' Yes, he's saying that if the vast majority, the reasonable people of the world, come together and talk and respect each other, we'll find ways to solve our problems. And get along. In large part, by following the Golden Rule. Do upon others what you would have others do upon you. Simple. It's a rule that permeates the heart of all religions. But first, we have to recognize the extremists among us. The relative handful of Muslims who would kill to get their way. Rather than be accommodating. Rather than trying to reach accord. Rather than learning to love and understand one's enemy. Rather than using diplomacy. Yes, we have to recognize that, just like in the Middle East, we have extremists, too. Right here in America. A far, far right wing. Fanatical people who would wage war and berate Obama for trying to be reasonable. Let's face it, fellow Americans, Obama got elected because he sounds reasonable. He wants to get to the core of our problems. And find reasonable solutions. Now tell me, do Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh sound reasonable? Maybe about as reasonable as Osama bin Laden. --Jim Broede

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