Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I guess there is something real about living in the moment. In the now. Some spiritualists tell me that's all there is. Now. We're always living in the now. Never in the past. Never in the future. The only time we ever experience anything is now. There is no past. No future. So they tell us capture the moment. Capture now. I often do that. By writing. That allows me to recreate the now. Many, many, many times. Above all else, I like to capture a love moment. I was born to feel love. Now. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. But now. There's no greater thrill than to feel love. Now. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

Must you force-feed your blog entries to the AA boards??? No wonder the posts there make little sense. They were formulated for your blog, then copied and pasted there; not written for the benefit of the board members, but for the benefit of your exposure. How vain!

Broede's Broodings said...

Have you noticed that 'rambling musings' is a very special thread? An over-the-back-fence chatter between a handful of neighbors. Most of whom feel a kinship, of sorts, with each other. You don't seem to be from the neighborhood. Maybe that's why you don't understand. Intruders and visitors are welcomed to the neighborhood. But please, try to put forth more effort to understand. When in Rome, try to do as the Romans. Rather than foist your ways on the Romans. By the way, on the AA boards, there are several other lengthy, long-lasting specialized threads more or less designed for a handful. Not necessarily for the general population. That's good, isn't it? --Jim Broede