Sunday, June 21, 2009

A sweet & wonderful revolution.

To bring about real change in the politics and social fabric of a country, I think it often takes the kind of revolution in which people take to the streets. They march. They demonstrate. They protest. Might be they have to take risks. Actually put their lives on the line. The civil rights movement in the U.S. didn't succeed until we became militant about it. And civil rights workers got killed. People were willing to die for the cause. If significant change is to come in Iran, it'll be because Iranians took to the streets. And because workers went on strike. And businesses closed. And no doubt, there'll be bloodshed. But that's what it takes to bring about real change. Because the entrenched ruling class doesn't want to give up power. The white power structure in the U.S. wasn't going to be fair-minded and give in on civil rights unless it was forced to. By a revolution. In the streets. A mass movement had to take place. Had to overthrow the foul system. Maybe a mass movement is underway in Iran. Maybe it's only supported by a minority. A minority that feels it has been denied certain inalienable rights and freedoms. But if the revolutionaries are to win, they need to persist. They need to protest. Time and time again. The movement must become contagious. Must attract increasing amounts of popular support. From within. From the masses. Only then will it succeed. Meanwhile, I tell a friend in Italy that Italy's corrupt Berlusconi-type politics won't change unless there's a revolution. People taking to the streets in Italy. Saying they've had enough. Or I guess, if Berlusconi dies. And then the politics still may not change much. It may be the same thing over and over again. Another Berlusconi. Only by another name. Of course, that's the Italian nightmare. But a revolution -- well, that's a sweet and wonderful dream. --Jim Broede

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