Sunday, July 12, 2009

I am full of life.

I try to not let things bother me. That's almost impossible. But I manage to limit my distress. By identifying what it is that bothers me. And then seeing if I can curb it. Or eliminate it. Often, I can. Like this weekend. I've sworn off tuning in the Cubs games. Because if I listen to an entire game and the Cubs end up losing in a heartbreaking way, I feel bad about it. So, I don't listen. I check on the outcome of the game after it's over. But even if the Cubs lose, I don't feel quite as bad. Because I haven't invested time and effort in the game. I also tell myself I have no control over the outcome of a game. And that tends to ease my mind. If I can't control it, why stew over it? That goes for lots of things in life. I have absolutely no control. Over the weather, for instance. If it's stormy today -- well, get used to it. Make the best of it. Meanwhile, I have many things I'd like to do today. But I can't get 'em all done. So, I pick and choose. I let some things slide. And I don't worry about it. If I worry, I begin to feel overwhelmed. That's nonsense. Instead, it's nice to know that I have many, many choices. I have so many, many opportunities. I am full of life. --Jim Broede

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