Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It suits me.

I sense that on any given day, I can be almost anything. Because I'm constantly defining myself. I'm creating. Especially when I sit down and write. When I brood. I've announced here that I am a romantic idealist, a free-thinker, a liberal and a lover. I have created that persona. But is it really me? Yes, it is. When I want it to be. Even though it might be an illusion, of sorts. Because I rather suspect that we humans don't quite know what we are. We often allow ourselves to be defined by others. But I choose to define myself. And I can be a chameleon. Depending on my mood. My whim. That makes me feel free. I have so many choices. But most of the time, I choose to be that romantic idealist, free-thinker, liberal and lover. It suits me. --Jim Broede

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