Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A gawd-awful health care system.

We've got a gawd-awful health care system in the U.S. And it's because it's run by too many special interests. Insurance companies. And providers. All out to rake in moola. Exorbitant profits. Little wonder that it's the most expensive health care system in the world. And apparently ranked about 28th or 29th in efficiency of health care results. A shame. A sacrilege. We Americans have been duped. Into thinking it ain't so bad. That we're better off than people in Canada and Britain and northern Europe. Don't believe it for a second. We really need a single-payer system, run through the federal government. One that ultimately significantly lowers the cost of health care and dramatically improves the efficiency. If we continue to trudge along with the current system, we'll end up going from bad to worse. Of course, the profiteers will continue to oppose change. They have well-paid lobbyists. And they are adept at putting the squeeze on our elected officials. Because money speaks. More than the votes of protestors. We common folks believe the crap doled out by the special interests. That socialized medicine is unAmerican. The fact of the matter is it's much better than our present system. But we aren't going to be told that in ads and commercials and sound bites in coming months. Instead, the special interests want to keep making big profits. And the common good be damned. And too many of us will just throw up our hands. And go into a defeatist mode. With the attitude that we have no power to change the system. That the special interests always win. Because they're rich. They have the wherewithal to buy votes in Congress. Yes, that's the sad state of affairs in America. We've learned to accept a gawd-awful health care system. --Jim Broede

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