Sunday, July 19, 2009

...the real racists.

I get a kick out of conservative white Republicans accusing Sonia Sotomayor of being a racist. Yes, they all come from the white men's club. They come from a long line of racists. The very people that established America as a racist society at its very founding. And even maintained racism long after the Civil War supposedly set the black people free. Of course, that was a sham. The white elitists thrived on racism. And they still do to some degree. But now, they're sore. Because they are losing their power. And they are trying to take it out on the likes of Sotomayor. Making absurd false accusations in a fruitless effort to keep her off the Supreme Court. Some of 'em will vote against her. Because they (the white conservatives) are the real racists. --Jim Broede

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