Wednesday, July 15, 2009

They'd like a corrupt America.

Thank gawd, Republicans are in the minority. So much so that they can't block new health care legislation or the appointment of Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. I'd rather live in another country than under Republican rule. I put up with it for many years. Just hoping times would change. And they have. I hope the Republicans continue to self-destruct. They deserve to be ill-fated. Maybe they'll never come back. Wouldn't that be wonderful? We've seen political parties fade away before. The Whigs, for instance. Of course, the Republicans may reconstitute themselves. Recognize the errors of their way. The fact that they are out of tune with modern times. Yes, Republicans would like to turn back the clock. All the way to the 19th century. They'd like a corrupt America. When the white male elites held power. When women and racial minorities were denied the vote. When Republicans bamboozled the citizenry. --Jim Broede

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