Saturday, September 19, 2009

...the Chicago Zombies.

Oh, well. I'm throwing in the towel. Giving up on my Chicago Cubs. Such a disappointing season. They were supposed to run away with the National League Central division title this season. Instead, the rival St. Louis Cardinals are running away with it. And the Cubs' hitters are playing lousy, uninspired baseball. The pitchers aren't bad. Evidenced by this weekend's 3-2 and 2-1 losses to the Cardinals. With two or three exceptions, the hitters have taken the season off. First thing I'd do for next season is hire a team psychologist. To get the Cubs mentally prepared. They should more accurately have been called the Chicago Zombies this year. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

Like the Christmas Story ....... once a year re run

Broede's Broodings said...

Yes, that's the nature of being a Cubs fan. The same refrain year after year. Wait til next year. It's been 101 years, and counting. But still, we remain loyal. And firm in our belief that it'll happen next year. Yes, we have undying faith. We believe the impossible will happen. Some day. Maybe next year. --Jim

Anonymous said...

"Oh, well. I'm throwing in the towel. Giving up on my Chicago Cubs. "
This is loyalty?? I would say a "fair weather fan".
Go Cubs!

Broede's Broodings said...

Well, if I'm a fair weather fan, I've hung in there since the 1940s. As a 10-year-old kid I remember listening to the Cubs last World Series game in 1945, against Detroit. We lost. I've returned every year since then. And even though I have given up on this season, because of lacadaisical play, I'll be back in 2010. At spring training in Mesa. And I'll be the optimist once again. I'm addicted. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

I get it.

Rayna said...

They choke up. They've become patsies. Anything but killers. I've advocated hiring psychologists rather than hitting coaches. Because it isn't a matter of lack of physical skills. It's mental. It's time for the Cubs to learn to be killers. --Jim Broede
Posted by Broede's Broodings at 5:26 AM 0 comments........July 29th. WTF broede LMAO you really do just rewrite