Monday, September 21, 2009

Give me public over private.

I'm more pro-government than lots of political conservatives, it seems to me. Because I tend to trust my government more than I trust the private sector. For instance, I'd put my faith in a government-run health care program, such as Medicare. More so than in one run by private insurance companies. Medicare is looking after my welfare. In that it operates on administrative costs of 3 or 4 percent. It ain't out to make a big profit. Rather just to provide a decent and necessary service at a reasonable cost. The private health insurance company, meanwhile, is out to make a big profit. And most likely would even deny me coverage if I had a pre-existing condition. Or it might just deny me willy-nilly. That happens now. Medicare doesn't pull stunts like that. Yes, I'd like to see a public option similar to Medicare available for everyone. If some people still want to buy under a private plan, so be it. That's fine. But let's give everyone a choice. Public or private. Of course, insurance companies want the government to stay out of the health care business so they can continue to rake in obscene profits and pay their chief executives multi-million dollar salaries. --Jim Broede

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