Monday, September 28, 2009

I'd make the best of it.

Autumn is here. In Minnesota. For two days, the high winds have come out of the north. Sweeping in cooler air. From Canada. Oh, it's not wintry air by any means. But jacket weather. And the furnace has turned on. Even during the day. A hard freeze is predicted for northeast Minnesota tonight. We'll escape with the upper 30s and lower 40s in the Twin Cities area. I'll adjust. To whatever the weather gods bring. Doesn't matter if it's three feet of snow. Or 30 degrees below zero. I'm used to it all. Maybe it helps that I have the opportunity to escape. During the worst of it. Maybe to Sardinia for a little while this winter. And to Arizona in March. But even if I were stuck in Minnesota for the entire winter, I'd make the best of it. Because it's nice to be alive and healthy and in love. --Jim Broede

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