Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's hard to hide racist feelings.

I think much of the opposition to Barack Obama is racist. If he were white instead of black, he'd more likely be accepted. Some people just can't stand the fact that he's black. So they look for any and every reason to oppose his presidency. Even to the point of convincing themselves that he's an illegitimate president. That if the truth be known, he wasn't even born in the U.S. Now, to believe that, it takes some doing. But a racist believes anything he/she wants to believe. Because they are filled with hate. For a racist, to see a black president is galling. Mortifying. I've known a fair number of racists in my days. We have more of 'em in America than one might think. Used to be one could openly be a racist. But it's not that easy any more. Because 'racism' is not the 'in' thing. So racists try to disguise themselves. And they tell bold face lies. Such as denying they're racists. But they hate so much. That it's hard to hide their racist feelings. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

They like to deny the truth and call the people they hate "liars." When really they're lying to themselves. --Jim Broede

Well said Mr. Broede, when is the last time you looked in a mirror?

Broede's Broodings said...

I suspect lying to one's self is a common malady. So common, in fact, that no one is exempt. It's the nature of the human psyche. But it's nice when we catch some of our own lies. And make an effort to seek the truth. The real truth. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Some of the biggest liars I know like to hide. They never use their own names, for instance. They stay anonymous. Makes it easier to spread their lies. They don't want to be caught. They spread rumors and gossip and all sorts of falsehoods. --Jim Broede

Thomas John said...

My name is Thomas John. I am a high school student. Due to the regualtions thru ISR I am not allow to publish my last name. I am a senior this year and come June I will more than gladly give you my personal information.
I have nothing to hide

Maebee said...'s OK to spread lies, rumors, gossip, etc., as long as you use your name? How about libel? Are you less guilty, simply because you use your name? are just easier to find.

I do not know why you persist in perpetuating racism, yourself. Even African Americans will tell you that your way of writing this stuff does nothing but damage relations.

It seems to me, that Americans are becoming more and more disillusioned with the "ideals" of President Obama. The majority has now shifted to less favorable of him. Racism? No...more like reality.

It's been printed here many times. If people use their "real names" in discussions with you, they are personally attacked with information you have gathered elsewhere. I know; I have been born the brunt of your "humor".

Broede's Broodings said...

You are so full of baloney, Maebee, that you could open a sausage factory and make a fortune. Try it. The Maebee brand of baloney. And you've never used your real name. --Jim

Maebee said...

Exactly, and your response is one of the reasons. If I had signed by any other "name", even "anonymous", you would have responded differently.

Broede's Broodings said...

But Maebee, I know who you are. Your real name. Have for a long time. But I don't use your real name. Out of respect for you. Because I don't think you want me to use it. You prefer to be "Maebee' or 'anonymous.' I honor your wish. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Another thing, Maebee. You are a white woman who thinks white. I doubt that you truly imagine what it's like to live in a black woman's shoes. Or a black man's shoes for that matter. I'd like to see the color of your skin turn black for a while. So you had to live black. I think you'd change your lily white tune. --Jim

Sarah said...

Congrats Maebee, you are a white woman. Keep your head up high.

A little insert from one of the Presidents speeches.

"I am the son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas. I was raised with the help of a white grandfather who survived a Depression to serve in Patton’s Army during World War II and a white grandmother who worked on a bomber assembly line at Fort Leavenworth while he was overseas. I’ve gone to some of the best schools in America and lived in one of the world’s poorest nations. I am married to a black American who carries within her the blood of slaves and slaveowners – an inheritance we pass on to our two precious daughters."

Broede's Broodings said...

America has made a great stride in electing a black president. But that doesn't erase the fact that we still have a very active lunatic fringe of racists in this country. Some of 'em in Congress and other positions of power. And if we ignore it, we do it at our great peril. The question is, what are we going to do about it? --Jim

color means nothing to me its whats inside that matters said...

Racist isn't always about color Mr Broede. Your blog is full of racist comments. You are very racist against women. You are very racist against those that attend church for what they believe.

Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
Function: noun
Date: 1933
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

You feel inherent superiority to all.

Broede's Broodings said...

Race does seem to be a polarizing issue in the U. S., doesn't it? As well it should. But too many Americans don't want to face up to it. They want to pretend that everything is all right. Because an argument can be made that things are getting better. That salves the white consciousness. But hey, there's a long way to go. To fix the situation. To be fair to black people and other minorities. Isn't it ironic that we castigated the Germans for their treatment of the Jews? But look at the way we treated blacks at the time we went to war with Germany. We've always been a hypocritical nation. Yes, holier-than-thou. We're just as immoral as the rest of the world. But we portray ourselves as the good guys. Setting the right example for others. That's bulls---. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you missed the whole point of my post.

Maybe you would be happier if you just moved back to Germany. You seem so unhappy for a "lover" to stay in a place you hate so much. Things would most likely be better for you in a different country.
Your post from abroad you say makes you so happy. :)

Broede's Broodings said...

Fact of the matter is I like living. Living in the world. In all kinds of places. I'd like to live 6 months in the USA. And 6 months in a European country, perhaps Italy or Germany. Or maybe in Britain. Or Australia. Or New Zealand. I like living in Minnesota. But I have absolutely no desire to live in Texas. I think of Texas as hell on Earth.. Especially in the Panhandle. I've been there. Turns me off. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear 'person signed color means nothing to me...'

Don't know where you got the impression that I hate women and church-goers. I love women. Three of the most influential people in my life happen to be women. By mother, my wife Jeanne (who died in January 2007) and my current girlfriend. They have all shaped me in nice ways. And I will be forever grateful. And as for church-going, I've been in practically every kind of church there is. I like churches. And cathedrals. And basilicas. And mosques. And temples. And synagogues. All places of worship. I even attend a seminary from time to time to take courses in religion and theology. If I enter churches, why would I oppose other people going to church? Where do you get your outlandish impressions of me? --Jim

Color means nothing........ said...

The fact being you have no respect for women on this blog. I have read many times (too many times) where you try your best to slander them. As for your mother, I have also read about her. Your wife you color that world in rose. Yet both have passed and we would never know. As for this "girl friend", seems she remains nameless. Something you object to 100% over and over. So needless to say I have my doubts on that one too. You even told a gentleman once you would give him lesson's on how to put his wife in her place when he stated he lives in a 50% 50% marriage. Something I am pretty sure you and Jeanne did not have. (I will not look back thru blog to find that post, you can)
The names you call the women on here long ago about church is another thing you can research. Everyone that has read your posts have seen it. You claim you go to many churches. Why is that Jim? Could you tell me? Is it because you believe or is it for a different reason. I await your reply

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Color:

Have you considered going into business with Maebee? The two of you produce so much baloney that you could feed all the undernourished people of this world with baloney sandwiches. Daily. Think positively. Think of putting all that baloney to a humanitarian effort. --Jim

Color means nothing ...... said...

Exactly the reply I thought. Proves my point 100%. Thank you

Broede's Broodings said...

And you prove my point, too. Sounds like we are mutually obliging. You really are a nice woman. I think there's something nice about virtually all women. Women fascinate me. They are a prime blessing of creation. God knew what he was doing when he begot woman. Created a perfect balance for man. And made love a pleasure. --Jim

Color........ said...

Again you assume. Again you assume wrong Mr. Broede. I really think you have assumed totally everything about me wrong. I have also noticed you have choosen not to answer my questions. Do you have ADAH?

Broede's Broodings said...

You ask if I have ADAH. I'm not sure what that is. I googled it. And was informed it's the Hindi word for adornment. Are you trying to impress me with your knowledge of the Hindi language? If so, I am duly impressed. What do you mean by adornments? I don't wear a ring in my nose. No ear rings either. I have a wrist watch. Is that an adornment? Maybe my smile is an adornment. You'll have to tell me if that qualifies. When you ask me questions, you have to get more specific. Otherwise, it's difficult to provide answers. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I've been asked here, why do I go into so many churches? Well, I suppose it's because I'm spiritual in nature. Not necessarily religious. But spiritual. I believe in the Holy Spirit. I'm a free-thinker. I worship life. Creation. And I'm a lover, too. And churches and synagogues and mosques and temples fascinate me. They are places of peace and tranquility. Often, great architecture, too. And sometimes, I stumble across a clergyman delivering a poetic sermon. Oh, and the music. It's wonderful. One of my favorite composers is J. S. Bach. And he composed primarily for the church. And if you've listened to the divine liturgy and requiem mass of the Russian Orthodox Church, it's awesome. Inspiring. Reaches my emotional depths. And summer before last, I attended a chamber orchestra concert in Venice. They played Vivaldi. In a church. Wow! A great, unforgettable experience. And I was there with my true love. That made it even more memorable. Oh, so many reasons to go to church. --Jim