Thursday, September 10, 2009

...reason to be grateful.

I'm becoming more optimistic that we'll get health care reform. Maybe not everything I and other liberals would like. But at least it'll be a giant step in the right direction. My spirits have been lifted by Barack Obama's address last night to Congress. It was inspiring. And he touched on all the salient points. But especially that health care for every American, rich and poor alike, is a moral issue. Everyone is entitled to the best of health care. Whether they can afford it or not. The government must see to it that the common good is served. That won't happen if we leave health care entirely to the profit-minded private sector. Thank gawd for Obama and the Democrats. They'll have to push through a bill with virtually no Republican support. An indication that we have a government sharply divided along ideological lines. Fortunately, the Democrats are in the majority. And Obama has the leadership skills to make things happen. Looks like we Americans finally have reason to be grateful. --Jim Broede

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