Thursday, September 10, 2009

Making the impossible possible.

Scientists have discovered in 30,000-year-old pollen in a cave the microscopic remnants of textile. An indication that people living then had string. From which they may have woven clothing. And it was colored textile, too. Such findings intrigue me. I'd love to be sent back in time that long, long ago. For just a few days. To get a feel for what it was like to be on Earth then. And then I'd like to be sent 30,000 years into the future. For a glimpse of what's to be. I'd like gawd to make the impossible possible. For me. If only for a day or two. Then I'd come back and write about my experience. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

I suspect that 30,000 years from now Earth will look similar to what it looked like 30,000 years ago. That we earthlings managed to more or less destroy the planet, but now the planet is starting to restore/rejuvenate/replenish itself. With new but primitive life. Yes, the life cycle is starting all over again. And we get another chance to finally do it right. --Jim

Anonymous said...

Seems if what you say is true, you sure are distroying the planet with all the "junk" you are putting into landfills.

Broede's Broodings said...

Even worse than putting junk into landfills is to put junk into our minds. That's by far the worst kind of pollution. --Jim Broede