Friday, September 25, 2009

Makes us all idiots, I suppose.

In my congressional district in Minnesota, we have at least two village idiots. I'm one of 'em. Because I'm an unabashed liberal. But I'm relatively harmless. Because I don't hold public office. Unfortunately, the other one is Michelle Bachmann, our congresswoman. She's from the lunatic fringe of the Republican Party. Of course, I don't think that speaks well for my district, composed mostly of suburbanites in the Twin Cities area. But Bachmann and I have something in common. I see her as an idiot. And if she knew me, I'm sure she'd label me an idiot. A communist, too. And un-American. Yes, that's the state of politics where I live. We have a strange blend of liberals and conservatives. And I suppose what we need is something inbetween. A moderating force. To pull us together. But that ain't happening in much of America today. We're divided. Into extremes. We often refuse to work together. I guess that's to be expected when we allow village idiots to take control. Makes us all idiots, I suppose. --Jim Broede

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