Thursday, September 17, 2009

So go to it.

The headline in my morning newspaper reads:

Delivers his
health plan
–to groans

His bill pleases
few Democrats,
no Republicans

Now that doesn’t make sense. The first paragraph reads: Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus’ $856 billion plan to overhaul the nation’s health care system – a package that lacks the public option that President Barack Obama favors – was greeted Wednesday largely with skepticism and even disdain, sometimes from fellow Democrats.

So, I have a question. Why doesn’t the committee devise a proposal that at least has strong support of the majority party? The Democrats. Because then it most likely would pass. Even if it doesn’t get Republican votes. Pass something. Let the majority rule. It’s not necessary to please everyone. Because that’s virtually impossible.

I’d try to give the Republicans a little bit of what they want. But not everything. After all, they are the minority. Obama and the Democrats became the majority. Because they had widespread public support last November. Maybe because they promised an overhaul of the nation’s shoddy health care system. So go to it. –Jim Broede

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