Saturday, September 5, 2009

We're always on the side of good.

My inclination is to extend the hand of friendship to so-called 'enemies' of the U.S. For instance, Kadafi in Libya and Chavez in Venezuela. Because I suspect they aren't nearly as bad as our leaders/public officials/politicians portray 'em. I base this on the fact that even fellow Americans (Republicans and Democrats) portray each other in hateful, gawd-awful terms. So, what would they do with foreigners? Yes, they'd be even more hateful and gawd-awful. Unfortunately, we Americans often don't have respect for each other. We're at each other's throats. We stretch the truth. We tell lies right and left. We go about living with closed minds. Many of us divide the world into good and evil. Of course, we're always on the side of good. --Jim Broede

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