Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Fooling ourselves.
Let's face it. Much of the world is nutty. And for we Americans to think that we'll straighten out the world is nutty, too. Imagine that. We think we can protect ourselves from the nuts. By waging war in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Fact of the matter is we have our own nuts. Rush Limbaugh. Glen Beck. The lunatic fringe of the Republican Party. They're running wild. We can't even control the nuts running rampant in our own country. And here we are trying to shape up the rest of the world. We need to get our own nut house in order first. Let's get treatment for the nuts. Yes, with universal health care. With the emphasis on mental health. We need an army all right. An army of psychiatrists. Let's set up free mental health clinics. And recognize the wave of insanity sweeping this country. It's been this way for a long, long time. We bury our heads in the sand. Fooling ourselves. Thinking we are sane. When most of us are nuts. --Jim Broede
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Thank gawd. I have my own kind of insanity. A positive insanity. I'm able to fall in love. And in a sense, create my own quite happy world. I comment on the negative insanity around me. And accept it. And then I try to make the best of the situation. By mixing with the inmates in the asylum. I have become an amateur psychiatrist. A psychoanalyst. And a lover. It gets me by. --Jim Broede
John McCain exemplifies the nutty thinking on Afghanistan. Thinking America needs to be there to protect our strategic interests. Even if it means bolstering a corrupt Karzai government. McCain wants to buy time so we Americans can train Afghans to protect their nation. That's bullshit. He wants to train Afghans to fight to protect American imperial interests, not Afghan interests. --Jim Broede
The lunatic fringe of the Republican Party is our Taliban. Yes, our lunatics. --Jim
Lord have mercy on us if the lunatics take full control of our government. --Jim
The lunatics suggest that George Bush wasn't even conservative enough. That's really going off the deep end. --Jim
Those on the lunatic fringe take themselves seriously. That's the scary part. And they actually do have some followers. That's even scarier. Imagine them coming to power some day. It could be an end of the world scenario. Make for a good horror film. Think of it. Sarah Palin as president. Sends a chill and shudder down the spines of us liberals. --Jim
Used to be that conservatives and liberals had respect for each other. They even socialized together. But now it's mostly bitter animosity. What happened? Why are we so polarized? --Jim
Ued to be only nations went to war with each other. Now it's individuals. Rather than governments. --Jim
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