Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm looking for laughing people.

I spend lots of time laughing. About much of what I write. Because I think it's funny. Some of you may not see the humor. That's all right. That, in itself, makes me laugh. Because it's funny when I see some of you taking very seriously something intended to be funny. Or when you jump to weird conclusions over one of my statements. As if it's a personal attack on you. By golly, words can be interpreted in so many ways. Serious ways. Not so serious ways. Often, there can be double meanings. And you've got to guess which one is correct. Really, for the most part, we don't even know each other. So we're guessing. Making assumptions. Some right. Some wrong. I presume that most people reading my broodings just let it go. Don't bother to let my observations affect them one way or another. They might be amused. Or curious. Many of 'em might never come back to my broodings. But those of you that do, why? Especially those of you that submit a comment or two. Recently, one of you suggested that I'm trying to get under people's skin. Well, that's one way of putting it. But there's more to it. Rather, I'm looking for people that know how to laugh. And don't get bothered by what I have to say. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

When I listen to Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or Newt Gingrich, I laugh. I don't get angry. Because I think it's a schtick. A put-on. Tongue-in-cheek. They really can't believe that crap, can they? --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

So many, many politicians are stand-up comedians. Congress is a comedy club, isn't it? --Jim

Anonymous said...

When did you get elected?

Broede's Broodings said...

Elected to what? --Jim

Anonymous said...

"They really can't believe that crap, can they? --Jim"

Doesn't matter, if they do. What matters, is that you and others are tuning in!

Broede's Broodings said...

What matters to me is that I'm in love. With life. And I savor every day. And characters fascinate me. Even the weird ones. From all walks of life. It's really a crazy and wonderful world. And I'm tuned in to so very much. Makes me feel vibrant and alive. --Jim