Thursday, October 1, 2009

Making life a pleasurable journey.

I'm really enjoying life. It's so nice. Just to feel the fresh air. The exhileration of being alive and conscious. Oh, over the years, I've had some sad moments. Like losing a loved one. But the fact that I even had a loved one to lose was significant. Yes, grieving and lamenting is a part of life. A blessing, of sorts. I learned lots of things during troubled times. Such as appreciating life. Of course, I do my share of complaining. Because I want things to be better. For me. For everyone. I like to fight for the common good. Don't always know if I'm right or wrong. But that doesn't stop me from bulling ahead. From taking risks. If I'm wrong, I try to learn from the experience. I'm no shrinking violet. I venture out. Cultivate relationships. Travel. Satisfy my curiosity. Try to keep an open mind. Anyway, I've been making friends. Alienating some people, too. Right here in this blog. But that's all right. Some people were meant to be alienated. Criticized. I recognize that there are ignorant people in this world. Mean people, too. Scoundrels. Cads. Moustached villains. They help to make life interesting. So I salvage something from their deeds. I learn to deal with 'em. Because I insist on enjoying life. Making it a pleasurable journey. --Jim Broede

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