Thursday, October 1, 2009

No one to feel the vibrations.

You and I have virtually no impact on the trends and currents in the world. We are mere grains of sand on the beach. Wouldn’t make any difference, really, whether we were there or not. Life will go on the same with or without us. Our influence is on the grains immediately around us. Maybe on 4 or 5, or 20 grains. We have the opportunity to affect them. And they, us. I fell in love with one of those grains. Jeanne. And that affected our two lives. Immensely. Now I’m in love with another grain. She’s from another country. We met by happenstance. And we have great affect, great influence on each other. We make a significant difference in each other’s lives. We live in our own little world. Really, remote in many ways, from the rest of the world. We exist in it. But we don’t wield much impact on the social and political and economic fabrics. What will happen in the regard, will happen. Whether we, as two individuals, exist or not. Doesn’t make any difference if we write to our congressman or prime minister. Or if we vote or don’t vote at the next election. We have to accept the world pretty much as it is. I’m really not complaining about that. I’m just accepting reality as it is. And trying to make the best of it. I find happiness and fulfillment by associating with the relative little handful of grains I come in contact with. And yes, I do vote and write letters and a blog, but knowing full well they are little more than outlets to express myself. To get things off my chest. Maybe I’m speaking to god. I don’t know. I just bellow out in the forest. And if there’s nobody to hear me, maybe it amounts to silence. Like the tree that falls. Noiselessly. Because there’s no one to hear. No one to feel the vibrations. –Jim Broede

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