Thursday, October 1, 2009

My rule: Be reasonably polite.

I think my blog is highly personal. And it's intended to be. Isn't it obvious? I call it broodings. Of course, it's public. On the Internet. A blog anyone can plug into. And I even allow for comment. But not unrestrained. I want it to remain in the realm of reasonably good taste and decency. Yes, it's my blog. I'll allow myself to be criticized. But not insulted. If there's any insulting to be done, I'll do it. Albeit, I'll try to be moderately restrained. As some of you know, not all comments get printed. Especially the ones that are hateful and full of crap and full of factual errors. Remember, it's my blog. Not yours. And to get a critical comment printed, try to be reasonably polite about it. Especially if you insist on remaining anonymous. Use your real name, and I allow a lot more leeway. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I like to be a protector. Of those I love. And of me, too. --Jim