Monday, November 30, 2009

And not least of all, a lover.

I like to marvel at the circumstances that bring lovers together. So many coincidences had to occur. But maybe they weren't coincidences. Rather, perhaps things just happen. And because they happen, we look for coincidences. One tries to make rhyme and reason out of what happens in our lives. Because we want meaning. When really, there's no meaning. Maybe that's why we invent god. We want to believe in a master planner. A creator. A guiding force. When maybe there isn't a planner or creator or guiding force. But that sort of reality might drive us crazy. Causing us to speculate there's no real purpose to life. But hey, I'm not gonna accept that. I'm gonna become a creator and a planner. And not least of all, a lover. --Jim Broede

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