Friday, November 13, 2009

And to god almighty himself.

I got a bill the other day. For a tetanus shot. You're supposed to get one every 7 or 8 years. Medicare paid $30.60 as its share. Figuring, I guess, that's about what it's worth. Yes, if Medicare had its way, that's all we mortals would be charged. But my clinic wants to collect $117. That's $66 for the vaccine and $51 for a nurse to stick a needle in my arm. So I'm being billed $86.40 because my supplemental insurance won't pick up the difference. Well, I'm gonna try my level best to get out of paying the bill. Because I think it's far too much for a tetanus shot. I'll wait 30, 60, 90 days. Whatever. I'll try to negotiate downward. To nothing. In the end, I may end up paying it all. But not until I've canoed my way through the bureaucacy. I've talked to a flunky named Shantelle so far. I've asked for her supervisor, Paula. And then I'll seek Paula's supervisor. And the supervisor of the supervisor of the supervisor of the supervisor. Until I get to the top of the chain of command of the health care corporation. And then I may not stop there. I'll go to my congressman and senator. Maybe even to Barack Obama. And to god almighty himself. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

I suspect that the actual cost of administering the tetanus shot is $30.60. The remaining $86.40 is profit. Which goes into the private sector coffers. That's why I want the government to take over the health care system. Yes, let's find ways to eliminate the profit. That'll make health care affordable. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Good luck, I paid $123.00 to stick the needle in and $118. for the tetanus medication. Sounds like you got a deal!

Broede's Broodings said...

The secret in fighting the system is to stay calm, cool and collected. Look at it as a fun game. Try to outlast the bureaucarts you deal with. Match their offensiveness. Irritate the hell out of 'em. But don't allow yourself to become irritated. Give them far more annoyance than they give you. Then the effort has been worth it. Then you win the game, even if you lose on the bottom-line. It's a nice trade-off. --Jim Broede