Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Even the narcissistic.

I'm occasionally taken to task here for being too narcissistic. But I really take it more as a compliment than a criticism. I like being a bit self-absorbed. It's a good trait. If one learns to manage it well. I'm entertained by myself. When I'm alone, for instance, I can make a go of it. I could survive on a desert island for an extended period. Because I'm good company. With myself. I talk to myself. Daily. I write to myself, too. I try to dig deep into my being. And hey, I have direct access to god. He and I are pals. And god tells me it's all right to be narcissistic. Because that is what he is. All-knowing. Omnipotent. The Creator. Of everything. The god of love. Love of others. Even love of himself. You gotta like yourself, god tells me. No sense in hating yourself. God also says he's humble. For instance, he has given me permission to spell his name with a lower case g. That disturbs some of his devout followers. They think a lower case g doesn't give him proper respect. God says he doesn't have to be respected. That it's even all right to doubt his existence. Or to even deny his existence. That he won't hold that against you. He'll save everyone. Even the narcissistic. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

I never cease to be amazed that I'm an alive and conscious being. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Also, I'm amazed that I'm in love. I like the feeling. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I'm amazed, too, that there are so many people walking on this Earth. Billions and billions. We've come a long way since Adam and Eve. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I'm still trying to grasp the full wonder of life. And the idea that I'm part of it. Albeit, a small part. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I often think that life is very funny. The Creator must have a great sense of humor. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I find it easiest knowing myself. Rather than another being. Because I am able to look into myself. See inside myself. Penetrate my own mind. But when I look into other minds, it's more guesswork. More speculation. More room for error. Of course, I can make errors about myself, too. I can even lie to myself. But when I'm honest, I know it's a lie. And then it becomes an intentional lie. With a reason. And therefore, it may not be a lie. Because it serves a useful purpose. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

If a lie is by design, is it a lie? Like when I tell someone who's sick and in the hospital that he/she is looking better. In order to try to make him/her feel good. Is that truly a lie? Or am I practicing a useful and effective kind of therapy? The placebo effect. --Jim