Monday, November 9, 2009

Global warming's long history.

I'm never quite prepared for winter. In Minnesota, that is. I try to get ready for it. Winterizing the house. The windows. Picking up in the yard. Making sure that tools and stuff aren't buried by the snow, never to be seen again until spring. I don't believe in raking the leaves. They serve as extra ground cover. I pick 'em up moist in April or May. We had near record-cold in October. But the weather gods have made amends in November. So far, they're making a case for global warming. We've been as much as 20 degrees above the normal high of 45. I've been out walking in shirtsleeves. At mid-day, of course. While the sun shines. And I've had time to sweep the leaves off the roof. And to clean out the rain gutters. Incredible as it seems, I'm thinking about cranking up the lawn mower tomorrow, and chopping up the leaves. Into mulch. This date in November can be brutal. In 1991, we hit a record 6 below zero. But in 1874, it was 72 degrees. Apparently, global warming has a long history. --Jim Broede

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