Monday, November 30, 2009
The more humane way.
Another thing. If we're gonna have a war, let's have a war tax. And a draft. Let's get the entire nation aware of the deadly cost of war. If we get the whole nation participating in war in meaningful ways, it won't last for long. Either because we put forth the maximum effort. Or we get sick and tired of war. Now we conduct wars in a half-assed manner. Mostly with a few hired mercenaries and underpaid patriotic enlistees. And without letting the general population know what it's really costing. With special appropriations that appear to be secret, more than anything. Republicans tell us they're for cutting taxes. But they're the biggest spending war-mongers in the world. And believe me, wars are costly. But many of our politicians like to hide that fact. Look for how long the administration prohibited the taking of photos showing the return of dead soldiers. And the war-mongers pick our pockets daily. In reality, war may be one of the reasons for our sagging economy. Because it's an utter waste of money. And lives. By the way, what's a life worth any way? We don't even provide universal health care. And a study by Harvard University shows that about 45,000 Americans die annually because they don't have health insurance. So they can't even afford medical care that would save their lives. Between that and the war casualties, we Americans are doing our part to control world population growth, I suppose. China does a better job of it though. By limiting the size of families. Come to think of it. That's more humane than war and lack of universal health care. --Jim Broede
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Just think of it. If we sent one million soldiers to Afghanistan, we'd have a surge that beats all surges. And we'd be in control of the whole damn place. --Jim
Our national anthem could become 'Onward American soldiers.' Think of the patriotic fervor that would generate. I can feel the tingle up and down my spine already. --Jim
We might as well conscript the unemployed. It'll give 'em something to do. --Jim
And believe me, when I was in the army, I was well-fed. If we throw all of the unemployed into the army, we'll have one of the best fed nations in the world. No civilian soup lines. We soldiers were able to eat what we affectionally called shit on a shingle for breakfast. The more cultured among us called it creamed chipped beef on toast. --Jim
Yes, I'm petitioning Congress. Asking that the tune of the 'Battle Hymn of the Republic' become our national anthem. With a few word changes. Namely, 'Christian' be changed to 'American.' Yes, that's what we Americans need. A little more religious fervor. A feeling that god is on our side. It helps to win wars. Let's remind ourselves that we're the good guys. The others are the bad guys. --Jim Broede
War would be made a lot easier if we required all of the good guys to wear white hats and all of the bad guys to don black hats. The problem with modern wars: the enemy is no longer easily identifiable. --Jim Broede
Yes, that's what we need. An overwhelming force when we go to war. Let's just overwhelm the enemy. In sheer numbers. In sheer fortitude. In sheer resolve. --Jim
Isn't it a shame that historians will some day say that our soldiers' lives were wasted in unnecessary wars?--Jim
And our politicians should be shamed forever for getting us into unnecessary and immoral wars. --Jim
OMG JIM!!!!!!! JIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obama must not be listening to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess not. I haven't established a direct line to Obama yet. But I have a direct line to god. That's even better. God tells me to learn acceptance. That people will keep doing silly things. Like waging war. Says he hopes we learn our lesson some day. --Jim
so, why haven't you accepted it???
Because I don't believe everything god tells me. I don't always follow his advice. I venture out on my own. To test the waters. To even sometimes challenge god. Or to try to sway him to another point of view. After all, god admits to me that he has made mistakes. So, if he's been wrong before, he could be wrong again. God laughs heartily when he hears believers describe him as perfect and mistake-free. He said he's botched some of his jobs. That's what I like most about god. He admits to making mistakes. God says that he has a very human side. He allows for mistakes. In himself. And in others. He's really a very understanding and kind and forgiving fella. Not the god portrayed in the Old Testament. --Jim Broede
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